Why Fascia?
Fascia connects body mind and soul.
When you heal fascia you heal your whole self.
Fascia is your fabric of embodiment
Fascia is your fabric of embodiment. Moist, mesh-like, and supple when the nervous system is in harmony. Strained and inflamed when your body is out of tune. Fascia is the stuff that sculpts, shapes interweaves, holds wraps, folds, and lubricates everything in your body. From skin to bone and everything in between. Including all your muscles, organs, nerves, and blood vessels.
Fascia shapes the emerging embryo into a spiral pattern that moves with ease.
Shaped by how you think, feel, breathe and move. That motion becomes restricted with trauma.
A mix of fibers, mostly collagen and gel gives it different densities. From loose to dense. Depending on its' function. It's the loose gel-like fascia of this matrix that is the most abundant and most prone to inflammation.
The “muscle aches” you feel when you have the flu or fibromyalgia are actually inflamed fascia.
Fascia is super sensitive
More sensitive than your eyes. Responding to sensory input from without and within.
Shape changing intuitively without you knowing. It's how trauma gets trapped in your body.
Fascia is abundant with nerve endings called interoceptors that allow you to notice sensations of strain and stiffness, from a soothing nurturing sensation. Helpful for regulating the nervous system.
Apart from the nervous system, fascia has its own electromagnetic frequency that makes it super sensory.
Like a musical instrument. It vibrates, oscillates, resonates, and produces sound in response to sensation.
This is why the tone of your fascia affects your vagal tone.
Fascia responds to all your other senses. To what you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. Notice how your body tenses up in anticipation in response to the noise of traffic and softens to the nurturing sound of the ocean. The body comes to quiet in nature. The optimum frequency for healing.
That’s because we are nature. When we come to quiet we begin to move in harmony. To an inner rhythm and motion that allows the body to take care of itself.

Fascia and trauma
The startle response is a trauma response.
The “startle response” is an example of how an emotional trauma response becomes a pattern of strain that gets stuck in your entire fascial fabric. Resulting in a loss of integrity. A numbing of sensory awareness. The shape change may create a restriction throughout the entire body. Including the ribs, diaphragm, pelvic floor, neck, shoulders, back, and feet. Affecting how you feel, how you breathe and changing how you move.
Learn how to tune in to fascia to unlock movement blueprints that intuitively unwind patterns of strain and stuckness.